BBQ prep

So on Australia Day Joff is having a BBQ, it is also the day after his 31st birthday.

I went to QV Market, Aldi and Woolies to get some stuff to prep for the BBQ.

At the market cherries were so cheap I couldn’t resist. Sarah and I made a cherry pie in November after Joff had bought a kg of cherries at the market. So Joff keeps talking about making cherry pie.  I cooked up the cherries this afternoon for pie making closer to the BBQ.

So that’s in the fridge now waiting to be made into pie.

After this I made lentil-chickpea fritters for the BBQ also and took photos while I made it. For better food recipe how to’s, go to T’Nealle’s blog, but either way, here is mine;

– Put cooked chickpeas and cooked lentils in a blender.

– Add spring onions

I planted basil, coriander and parsley in a planter box yesterday, so I picked some of that fresh basil to put in the patty mix.

– Add paprika, turmeric, salt and pepper.

– Blend together, then add wholemeal flour.

I have pre cooked the batter into fritters on my beloved George Forman Grill. I love my grill. (technically this is my brother’s- but mine is identical.)

I packed up the lentil and chickpea fritters into containers for freezing. Of course I tested one for myself!

Its served with Bearnaise sauce, with beetroot, sun-dried tomato, capers and parsley garnish.

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