Author: fran

Sunday Cheesecake

So today I made a mad trek out to Kew and then Burwood to find blood oranges. This is because I want to make Joff blood orange sorbet as part of my culinary birthday present to him. It took a ridiculously long tram ride, well one ridiculously long one because of replacement bus services, and the other because 17km is… Read more →

Midnight Feast

So at midnight, I have finally finished an peach and passion fruit crumble. I also photo blogged how this came to be. Right, so I bought peaches at the market today, again, because they were cheap. I had no idea what I would do with them aside from eat them. Saturday night boredom at its height, meant I decided to… Read more →

Still baking.

Currently making a peach and passion fruit crumble. Photos to come, because as you can tell, this is how I’m spending my Saturday night. (Also just finished watching some amusing comedy sketch shows and now onto the film In Bruges) Read more →

BBQ prep

So on Australia Day Joff is having a BBQ, it is also the day after his 31st birthday. I went to QV Market, Aldi and Woolies to get some stuff to prep for the BBQ. At the market cherries were so cheap I couldn’t resist. Sarah and I made a cherry pie in November after Joff had bought a kg… Read more →

Miss You

I have added links to my friends blogs along the side there. In that great selection of friends is the link to Nick’s Tumblr. Nick is a really talented photographer. Keep an eye on the pictures he takes. He’s currently living in Opotiki in the North Island. He’s doing a wonderful job of taking really lovely pictures there. Above, is… Read more →


Sometimes when I make a good looking meal, I feel the need to take a picture of it before devouring it. The above was the start of a delicious fruit smootie made in Melbourne. This is dinner, which I made for Will. This meal was pretty good, excessively lush flavour. Its Pan-fried Gurnard, on Orzo with Poached Pear. This is… Read more →

For my 300th Post

How To Be Alone by Tanya Davis. This was shown to me by Rhett (Bailing Bucket) who is a friend of mine, which I had the pleasure to share beers with in Calgary last year, after a failed meet up in Austin. This video is by Tanya Davis, who is a few degrees of separation from Rhett. I think it’s… Read more →

Late night ramble

I woke up this morning from a very long sleep to see this stuck on my computer screen. I did have a slurpee after the Wet Wings show at Bar Open. I guess this was part of what was going through my head at the time. Not sure what else was. Read more →