Lisa came to visit today, I have been avoiding going to class today, at the stage in the day that she visited, after 4pm, I had not yet been outside the door to our apartment.
Nick had hired a long play video player to record a short play copy of shaolin soccer and god of cookery…. god damn they are good movies…
so i used this opportunity to dub all my 22 tapes of music videos down to only the ones i wanted, which turned out to be about 3 tapes worth…. so thats only 9 hours of music video glory.. hehehe… yes I sat in front of the tv for 9 hours… but i am mostly happy with the results. although i still can’t damn well find the fur patrol interview from breakfast, which was my initial reason for cataloging my tapes… its fucking annoying that i cannot find it… i also refused to change any of my shihad videos in the catalog to PACIFIER…
although i approve of the new name, its going to be a long while before I get used to calling them anything else…
person of the day:
Lisa- for getting me outside my front door