
SO BBE were due to play in Luton, which is a town best known for having an airport where Easy Jet flies from north of London.

On the way to the tube station, we passed this snail mural.

The band played a good show, to a bunch of local Luton folk. A reasonable crow came, I was skeptical at first because Luton at 6pm was a bit of a ghost town. It turns out there are a lot of bored young people.

After they turfed out the indie kids at 3am, they started a hip hop afterparty from some other event. We hung out, obviously the least hip hop people there. Zach made a request for the DJ to play Lil’ Wayne, the DJ asked him in a not polite way, what he was still doing in the club. The DJ still played Lil’ Wayne. Win for Zach.

T and I ditched him though, we wanted to go drink in the hotel, so took our swag from the rider and took it back to the Red Lion.

In the room, I turned on the TV to find music TV with sign language. We watched this intensely for around half an hour.

The sign language people were awsome.

We also found a programme which was a ‘how to’ show. I was convinced I could break dance. Glad I didn’t try.

In the morning T and I went to Primark for some sweet £1 fun times.

On the bus back into London, I passed down Baker St. A few nights before I’d been watching the new BBC Sherlock Holmes and we had collectively wondered whether there was really a 221B Baker Street, turns out there is and its a Sherlock Holmes museum.

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