Its all booked, paid and the passport is off being renewed as we speak.
I quit work today also. Via email. What a cop out. There was no one there to tell face to face though. I would have told someone if there had been anyone around. I tried to be gracious in my resignation. I’d like a good reference, one that will get me a sweet job in London for a few months anyway. I arrived home from work to see a festival of drinking in my lounge.
Tim had friends over. That said, most of these folk are my friends too. They had wisely, or perhaps quite unwisely invested in 2 slabs of Southern Draught. I’m sure its a fine drop.
Hollan had consumed surely, more than his weight in beer and was in rather a cheerful mood.
It was nice, despite being bitterly cold, it was a hark back to the old days of the Log Cabin. Back to last Summer’s drunken haze.
Unfortunately I am succumbing to a headcold. It is not party time in my nose and ears. So I lay down and popped a few pills before returning to the social activity in the lounge.
Post Die! Die! Die! I surveyed the aftermath. Well some of it. The floor is sticky, there are a veritable $3 worth of recycling aluminum cans strewn across the floor.
Tomorrow is GlasTomBury. I am sure it will be a most entertaining New Years Celebration. Maybe my last in Christchurch for a while. Depends if there is anything worth coming back for.
(Did a Google search for Southern Draught, all I got was pictures of horses)