Today was gloriously hot. On my way back from a long trip out to Brighton, I sent David a text message inviting him into the city for an evening walk. It was still balmy… we ate dinner on the library lawn, then David took me on a tour of the old Argus building. I was surprised with how easy it was to get into and climb. Well, easy, but quite the climb up to the top.
It’s quite hard to see, but there is a couple kissing in the centre of this photo, bathed in the light from the garage they are standing in front of.
After The Argus, we walked across the city traversing the laneways.
and spotting really enormous light fittings…
And spotting some of his previous work…
This is his latest piece in AC/DC Lane…
So with tired feet, we made it back to my house and had a cup of tea, before Mr. Klein cycled off into the night, on his flatmate’s hipster bike.
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