Author: fran

So where did I get up to?

So I’ve been really bad on the world tour update. I got as far as Austin? I don’t even think I covered Austin very well. I ate a lot of burritos, that’s probably all you really need to know. The hotel room was really stinky when we left it at 3am to go to the airport in Austin and the… Read more →

It must be September…

Which means there are birthdays to be had. On Friday night, Liz, Lloyd and I went on a walking tour of London. We ended up late, in South London with nowhere to go at the end. So we went to Costas and got cake. I told Liz, while we wandered around Elephant and Castle (smart idea for a late Friday… Read more →

Goodbye Manor House warehouse

I moved out of Manor House on Thursday. I’ll miss the grand over sized bedroom with mezzanine floor. I’ll miss the cat that tried to sleep on my face so many times, and the random people who were there, also I will miss the short single bus commute to work. I will not miss, listening to loud music at 3am… Read more →


I have kept saying to people I wanted to go climb Hampstead Heath. So figuring T’Nealle would be up for it. We packed some swimming attire stopped by the local Sansburys in Camden and went up to the Heath. We made a picnic, in a very DIY kind of manner. T’Nealle was very proud of her pink socks, I was… Read more →


SO BBE were due to play in Luton, which is a town best known for having an airport where Easy Jet flies from north of London. On the way to the tube station, we passed this snail mural. The band played a good show, to a bunch of local Luton folk. A reasonable crow came, I was skeptical at first… Read more →

The post where I get a band again.

Bang Bang Eche came back to stay for around a week, give or take a few days of them disappearing to play some other shows around the Greater LDN. So they arrived on Friday while I was at work… I asked T’Nealle to bring my camera to Kokos where they were playing. Later on I found they took a few… Read more →

Royal Albert Hall

So I went to see one of the ‘Proms’ performances at the Royal Albert Hall on a sunny Sunday afternoon. It was pretty entertaining. They are recorded for BBC radio 3 and played on the TV in the evenings. The one I went to was pretty abstract and weird. It was a piece made about anti-religion. The choir sung pretty… Read more →


I haven’t been outside of London at all in the months since I arrived. That changed on the 6th, kind of, when I went to the beach with Maria. A short train ride out to Brighton. The real Brighton. The one with the Royal Pavillion: That brought some flashbacks to architecture school. Following from my Carousel obsession… I rode the… Read more →