Author: fran

sigh, London

So London is great/ London is awful. The weather is half lovely, half wet and cold. The job situation is I don’t have one or any income/ plenty of opportunities out there for work and have been applying heaps. This the city where I know the most people so far/ feel the most alone. I also now have to find… Read more →

quick update

Ok, sorry for the lack of updates for the grand total of 4 of you who do read this! Hah. Anyway, yes, I am in London now. Unfortunately internet access isn’t through my own computer so I haven’t posted any photos of any of the trip in ages. I will eventually get past Austin. I promise. This is one from… Read more →

So so Austin

So I’m in Jersey, I’ve been to New York all day. Photos will come. I’m going to go back about 5 weeks in the Fran-O-Matic Time Machine ™ and show you some photos from Austin Tx, and SXSW. This is the most obvious building in Austin. It’s the State Capital Building. This is 6th Street. That’s the main street where… Read more →

Telethon… The Earthquake part II

So after this whole Earthquake thing, Chile decided to have a telethon to raise money to help itself. The telethon was titled “Chile Ayuda a Chile” (Chile help Chile). Now having grown up on New Zealand telethons, I expect a level of cheesiness and overall celebrities doing stupid things for money. In recent years telethons have been boring and drawn… Read more →

Chi-city I’m pretty sure nobody reads this anymore… basically since the rss feed thing changed. I’m in Chicago. I am still working on writing about the last 6 weeks. Its a big effort. There is a school group sitting beside me talking in French. I learned a little French in Winnipeg. I had the national anthem of Canada sung to… Read more →

The Earthquake

So here isn’t really an entry, its a mish mash of emails sent and altered slightly. I can’t really bring myself to write out a whole rant about it. I was with my two cousins in their apartment on the 10th floor when the earthquake hit. It was 3:45 or so in the morning. We had been at a roof… Read more →

Arts and Crafts in Victoria

The weather got really crusty in Victoria for the long weekend. In avoidance of going outside we decided to do some stencil t-shirt making. My goal was clear, after a complete fail at finding an “I Heart Canada” t-shirt I had to make one. We had scoured all the tourist shops in Victoria, of which there are a lot; and… Read more →